Sunday, December 5, 2010

Top 10

Comics Should Be Good are putting together a list of the Top 100 comic book writers and artists through a fan poll. In honor of this endeavor on behalf of CSBG, I've decided to put together my own list with some brief explanations of why each person made the cut. Now, me compiling a list of twenty creators is fun, but it's not all that riveting. So, to spice things up, I'm going to send out an open call to all of my peers. Put together your own list of the ten writers and the ten artists that have had the most influence on you as a fan and/or creator, with brief descriptions of each, and I will feature them all here. Mine will be first, of course, followed by sometimes Surfing the Bleed contributor and How I Became the Bomb frontman Jon Burr.

I'm working on my list right now, as is Jon. Expect mine sometime tomorrow and Jon's sometime later in the week.

Alright people, let's get to listing!

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