Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Visitors

I handed out a lot of business cards at last weekend's Emerald City Comic Con, so I wanted to take a moment and say hello to any new readers I may have picked up. The point of PING! Mother Box PING! is to track my own journey into and through the comic book industry while also offering interviews with various creators in an effort to create a testimonial for anyone embarking on the arduous task of being a comic book creator.

The idea for the blog came from a series of books by editor Mark Salisbury. They were, respectively, Writers On Comics Scriptwriting Vol. 1 and Artists on Comics Art. Both books are going to set you back a fair bit if you can find them, but they're well worth the coin if you're attempting to break into the industry. All they are is long form interviews with very successful creators about their history, their process and their time breaking in. The book on writing had a profound affect on me when I was younger and I decided that now, with all the advances in digital publishing and rise of self published independent comics, a new testimonial was needed.

So I started a blog called Surfing the Bleed and it enjoyed a modicum of success, mostly from my friends and the editorial staff at BOOM! Studios. That blog ran its course though after a pretty terrible year in 2010 that left me a bit of a wreck and searching for a little tabula rasa. So I started PING! with the same goals as before, but with more of an effort made on being positive and being productive! So far the results have been good.

But where are the interviews? They're coming. I spent a lot of time in Seattle last weekend setting up interviews for all of you and I'm very excited at what's coming down the pipeline. Until then, feel free to check out the interviews at my old blog, Surfing the Bleed and as always, thank you for reading!

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